Venta Silurum 2025
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th April at The Vale Cricket Club, Corntown, CF35 5BA
09.30 start on BOTH days – DBM v3.4 rules 500 AP doubles
Entry fee £30 per team or single player
Theme: Armies & Enemies of Achaemenid Persia
Early and Late Achaemenid Persian armies (Book 1 List 60 and Book 2 List 7) plus any army that fought either. Non Achaemenid lists can include any choices throughout their entire list periods.
There will be a MAXIMUM of 2 armies permitted from any specific army choice – so, ONLY the first 2 people to send in Alexandrian Macedonian & Alexandrian Imperial army lists will be accepted……..!
Army choices and lists to
Soiree – there will a planned evening of excess on Saturday night in central Bridgend.
25mm DBM Singles, 350 AP
24/25 May 2025 at 18 Westbury Leigh, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 3SG
Rules: DBM 3.4
Armies: Any army from Books 1-4, 350AP
Either DBM 2nd edn or DBMM revised edn list books, up to 1515 AD
Entry Fee £10.00 (covers trophies plus refreshments)
Entries and army lists to:
John Graham-Leigh, 18 Westbury Leigh, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 3SG
Round 2 of the 2025 DBM Doubles League
7/8 June 2025
15mm doubles, DBM 3.4 rule set, 500pts
Theme as below
Each team will play 4 games.
Where and when:
Big Battles Ltd Unit 3 Cirencester Business Estate Esland Place, Off Love Lane Cirencester GL7 1YG
Limited on-site parking is available.
Tea and coffee is provided. Lunch will need to be obtained by local foraging unless brought with you..
Doors open at 09.00 on both days. Games start at 09.30 and 14.00 on both Saturday and Sunday
Entry fee £25.00 per team. Teams comprising of 1 player are welcome.
Entries to Andy Leeser, email at least 2 weeks in advance.
Army lists to at least 2 weeks in advance.
Armies must be selected from the following list:
Book 4, 13. MEDIEVAL GERMAN 1106 AD – 1519 AD 40 OR any army listed in the DBMM books as an enemy thereof
Book 3, 40. NORSE VIKING AND LEIDANG 790 AD -1280 AD OR any army listed in the DBMM books as an enemy thereof
This gives about 40+ separate choices. Allies specified in qualifying army lists may be used even if the ally would not itself qualify as an independent list. Normal date limitations for allies will apply.
Teams wishing to play but who do not have access to a qualifying army should ask around to borrow one – I have one or two, I am sure others will have more. In extremis and if no suitable army can be found by a team (as I say, please ask around by email first and include me on the email, I may be able to help), feel free to suggest an alternative list that is:
In one of the two periods noted above
Is European
Broadly fits in with the wider theme
Agreement will be down to the discretion of John and me.