League Positions 2012
THE DBM SOUTH WEST DOUBLES LEAGUE 2012 Posn Players Usk Corntown Devizes Frome Best threeScores 1 Richard Hardy & Tony Bell 24 33
THE DBM SOUTH WEST DOUBLES LEAGUE 2012 Posn Players Usk Corntown Devizes Frome Best threeScores 1 Richard Hardy & Tony Bell 24 33
Roll Call 2012 15mm DBM singles Posn No. Player Army Total Scores by round Opponents by round 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
CAESAROMAGUS, 10/11 NOVEMBER 2012 15mm DBM singles Posn No Name Army Total Score Score by round Opponents by round 1 2 3 4 1
WESTBURY WARS, 26/27 MAY 2012 25mm DBM singles Posn No. Player Army Total Scores by round Opponents by round 1 2 3 4 1
GODENDAG, 21/22 January 2012 15mm 500 AP DBM Doubles Posn TeamNo Players Army TotalScore Scores byround Opponentsby round 1 12 Dave Madigan &