Player Rankings 2017-18
DBM RANKINGS 2017-2018 Posn Prev Name Club Comps Total 1 1 Jeremy Morgan Terrapins 8 80 2 2 Dave Madigan Reigate 5 73 3= 3
DBM RANKINGS 2017-2018 Posn Prev Name Club Comps Total 1 1 Jeremy Morgan Terrapins 8 80 2 2 Dave Madigan Reigate 5 73 3= 3
Climb British Camp, 1/2 September 2018 Position No Player Army Total score Score by round Opponent by round 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
VEXILLUM 2018 15mm DBM doubles, 13/14 October 2018 Posn Team No Players Army Total Score Scores by round Opponents by round 1 7 John Vaughan
Vexillum 2018 The final round of the Doubles League took place in Frome on 13/14 October. The theme was Early Medieval, so all the armies
CAESAROMAGUS, 2/3 DECEMBER 2017 15mm DBM singles Posn No Name Army Total Score Score by round Opponents by round 1 2 3 4 1 2
THE DBM DOUBLES LEAGUE 2017 Posn Players Godendag Usk Venta Silurum Corntown Attack! Devizes Iceni Hoveton Vexillum Frome Best three scores 1 Jeremy Morgan
DBM RANKINGS 2016-2017 Posn Prev Name Club Comps Total 1 1 Jeremy Morgan Terrapins 6 78 2 7 Russell King Mikland 6 72 3 3
Climb British Camp, 4/5 November 2017 Position No Player Army Total score Score by round Opponent by round 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
VEXILLUM 2017 15mm DBM doubles, 21/22 October 2017 Posn Team No Players Army Total Score Scores by round Opponents by round 1 1 Jeremy Morgan
CLIMB BRITISH CAMP 2017 Fewer players than usual at Gavin Pearson’s 25mm competition in Herefordshire – we had eight lined up, but unfortunately one was