25mm Competitions 2019

Climb British Camp, 24/25 August 2019

PositionNoPlayerArmyTotal scoreScore by roundOpponent by round
13Gavin Pearson & Neil HepworthPictish, 367 AD31894104186
28Jeremy MorganFrench Ordonnance, 1494 AD27310687531
31John Graham-LeighClassical Indian, 300 BC231011022378
46Russell KingAztec, 1466 AD20551005743
57Derek BruceWars of the Roses English, 1484 AD1875068612
64David SheppardBurmese, 1200 AD1726093265
7=5John CalvertTupi, 1350 AD1250616824
7=2Duncan ThompsonNumidian. 54 BC1204441457

Gavin and Neil played as a team, to even the numbers.

Duncan Thompson was awarded the Indomitable Spirit trophy on countback.



WESTBURY WARS,  18/19 MAY 2019

25mm DBM singles


PosnNo.PlayerArmyTotalScores by roundOpponents by round
18Jeremy MorganArmagnac, 1444 AD3410510971910
29John Graham-LeighLow Countries, 1452 AD2910100910481
31Gavin PearsonLater Mycenean, 1190 BC261051012839
43Tim MyallPatrician Roman, 454 AD21210094517
56Pete HowlandTeutonic Orders, 1242 AD20411055724
64John CalvertNorse Viking, 1066 AD1980653956
710Derek BruceWars of the Roses English, 1483 AD1808919278
85Russell KingEarly Crusader, 1098 AD1660466342
97David SheppardLater Hungarian, 1442 AD11091186103
102Duncan ThompsonLater Carthaginian, 210 BC6020411065





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